Words John Hereward


I love walking. I have done all my life. One of the stories told against me when I was little is of a family walk when at some point I asked to be carried. “I thought you said you like walking” said my dad to which I famously replied “I like walking but my legs don’t”! Thankfully as the years have gone on my legs have started to like walking too.

As I was on my morning walk today I revelled in the ease of walking, even up hill and how my legs seemed to have a natural rhythm. On longer walks I have often matched that rhythm to music, usually in my head, sometimes sung out loud NEVER mediated through headphones. It is easy to maintain a natural, comfortable rhythm when walking on one’s own, much harder when walking with others.

Even walking with one other person can be a challenge. I recall a walk I did with a friend whose natural walking rhythm was a bit faster than mine and I felt as if I had spent a whole day catching up. Thankfully he is a keen bird watcher so there were plenty of pauses.

I was talking with a friend the other day who has an informal walking group. She observed that one member of the group had to stop walking every time she talked to someone. I have found when leading a group that it is good to have plenty of pre-determined stopping points so people can walk at their ease but not get left behind.

This morning I was thinking about Jesus walking and teaching His disciples. Did they always feel like they were catching up with Jesus? What was His natural walking speed? I also sensed the importance of keeping in step with the Spirit. In my life at the moment I am at a pause. One stage complete the next one starting. My bishop reminded me this week to take time to re-align with the Spirit. He strongly urged me not to rush ahead, I am trying to be obedient. I love walking.